About Holy Communion

Statement on Holy Communion

The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod practices “Close Communion” as an expression of unity in doctrine (1 Cor. 10:16-17, Rom. 16:17, 1 Cor. 1:10). When a person partakes of the Sacrament at the altar he is also confessing his unreserved agreement with that church body’s doctrine. Because of doctrinal differences existing between the Missouri Synod and other Lutheran bodies, and also with Christians of other denominations, we cannot expect their members to make that kind of confession at our altar, nor do we desire anyone to compromise his own convictions and his church body’s teachings. Therefore our practice of “Close Communion” admits only those in doctrinal agreement and who are members of congregations of the Missouri Synod.

The Holy Sacrament requires a mature participation which includes self-examination (1 Cor. 11:28). Scripture also warns against “unworthy” reception (impenitence or unbelief) which would bring God’s judgement upon the recipient: 1 Cor. 11:27, 1 Cor. 1:29. Thus, out of loving concern for all, and Commitment to the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, we practice “Close Communion.” We Thank you for your co-operation and respect for our practice.

May the Holy Spirit bless all as we “search the Scriptures” John 5:39 and humbly strive to “continue In His Word.” John 8:31.